The virtual format of the IDF International Cheese Science and Technology Symposium 2021, held between the 7 to 11 June 2021 will offer an increased number of live and on-demand lectures by expert keynote speakers, Q&A thematic sessions, interactive e-poster workshops, and numerous networking opportunities with researchers, emerging scientists, cheese experts and industry representatives inside their virtual booths.
The Scientific Session Topics will cover:
- Microbial ecology: starters, adjunct and indigenous microbiota
- Ripening, flavor and cheese authenticity
- Cheese technology: process eco-efficiency and innovative approaches
- Cheese structure and rheology
- Innovation, functionality, nutrition and health
5 good reasons to participate in this event:
- Knowing about the latest research findings and technology innovations in cheese science and technology. The event takes place only every 4 years!
- Attending conferences live or at another time. Talks will be available for recorded viewing all along with the symposium and for the next 30 days.
- Live Q & A sessions with the speakers for featured live sessions.
- Over 20 hours of scientific presentations, interactive thematic exchange sessions, and e-Poster sessions.
- Networking with researchers, cheese experts, industry representatives and meeting the next generation of scientists, using interactive tools (chat, meeting)
Included in the Cheese Symposium, the Forum Techno Novalait, on the mornings of June 8 and 10, will feature a selection of discoveries that can fuel innovation on farms and in dairy plants.