IDF Head
Office Team
At the heart of IDF’s success is the experience, energy, and passion of the IDF Head Office Team.
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IDF is at the forefront in the development and sharing of scientific and technical knowledge, best practices and guidelines.
On behalf of the dairy sector, IDF provides input in the development of methods of analysis and sampling, nutritional and sustainability practices and policy, and standards in food composition, animal health and welfare.
Our skilled team members, along with IDF’s worldwide network of more than 1,200 dairy experts, help to define the environment in which the dairy value chain operates.

IDF Membership
IDF’s membership is made up of National Committees, constituted by dairy organizations in each country. Why join IDF?

Access to an unrivalled source of scientific and technical knowledge

Comprehensive coverage and understanding of all dairy-related issues

Participation in world class working groups
Related reports & publications
IDF provides a permanent source of authoritative scientific and other information on a whole range of topics relevant to the dairy sector.