For the last 120 years, IDF has contributed to the development of standards for the dairy sector and has closely collaborated with key stakeholders to share its expertise for milk and dairy products, with safe, sustainable and fair-trade practices at heart.
Helping to nourish the world with safe and sustainable dairy.
ensures the best scientific expertise is used to support high quality milk and
nutritious, safe and sustainable dairy products.
IDF pillars


Nutrition & Health


Safety & Quality
Our Work
Dairy & sustainable development goals
The dairy sector is an essential contributor to the UN sustainable development goals.
While the sector has obvious impacts on ending hunger, achieving food security, and improving the nutritional value of diets in a sustainable manner, the sector also has an important part to play in the achievement of many of the other sustainability goals identified.
For more information on the dairy sector’s commitment to the sustainable development goals, including case studies and other information, visit the website of the Dairy Declaration of Rotterdam.

IDF Membership
IDF’s membership is made up of National Committees, constituted by dairy organizations in each country and representing as fully as possible the various dairying activities of the country (such as milk production, manufacture, distribution, technology, science, human nutrition, marketing, economics, education and administration).
It is estimated that 12-14% of the world population live on dairy farms or within dairy farming households
More than 6 billion people worldwide consume milk and milk products
At least 160 million children around the world currently receive and benefit from receiving milk at school
World milk production is expected to grow 1.7% p.a. reaching approximately 981 Mt by 2028
Milk and dairy foods are important sources of several nutrients that contribute to health and a well-balanced diet.
The dairy sector benefits from IDF/ISO’s unique collaboration to provide standards for methods of analysis and sampling

Featured publications
IDF provides a permanent source of authoritative scientific and other information on a whole range of topics relevant to the dairy sector.
IDF Annual Report 2023-2024
Our Annual Report 2024 provides an overall picture of the activities and achievements of IDF over the last 12....
Bulletin of the IDF N°532/2024: The World Dairy Situation Report 2024...
Annual survey containing information on milk and dairy production, processing, companies, consumption, trade,....
Factsheet of the IDF 32/2023: Executive Summary of IDF Country Update – Decemb...
Members of the IDF Standing Committee on Dairy Policy and Economics and the Standing Committee on Marketing up....
Latest news & events
Joint Closing Statement by the International Dairy...
COP29 has concluded in Baku, Azerbaijan, and the International Dairy Federation (IDF) and Global Dairy Platform (GDP) reaffirm the global dairy....
Exploring Dairy Circularity at the 2024 IDF Sympos...
The dairy sector stands at a transformative crossroads as it faces increasing pressure to address sustainability and environmental challenges.....
Tetra Pak Endorses the Paris Dairy Declaration on ...
The Paris Dairy Declaration on Sustainability, an initiative launched by the International Dairy Federation (IDF) and the United Nations Food and....
Joint Statement by the International Dairy Federat...
The global dairy sector reaffirms its unwavering commitment to sustainability in alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As a....