Family farming in a rapidly changing world

Introducing the UN Decade of Family Farming On 20 December 2017, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution by which it declared 2019-2028 to be the Decade of Family Farming. FAO and IFAD actively supported the campaign and have been called upon to co-lead the implementation of the Decade in cooperation with a […]
LEAP Sustainability Initiatives Forging Ahead

In 2019, IDF was pleased to take up the chairmanship role in the FAO Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance (LEAP) partnership, an initiative focused on improving sustainability within the livestock sector. LEAP is a multi-stakeholder initiative made up of Governments, NGOs and members of the private sector, which is hosted by FAO. It develops comprehensive […]
Tackling antimicrobial resistance in the dairy sector is a global effort to ensure animal and public health, and food safety

By Caroline Emond, Director General The dairy sector has adopted an integrated supply chain management approach to curb the spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). This requires positive actions and cooperation by all players such as dairy farmers, veterinarians, dairy and meat processing companies, animal feed producers, pharmaceutical firms and regulators. The recent annual World Antibiotic […]
Clampdown on milking a name to market vegan substitute

The US is joining the EU, Canada, Norway, Iceland and New Zealand in regulating the misuse of dairy terms. Consumers have the right to know when they are not buying real dairy products. A plant-based substance is no alternative to animal milk in terms of its composition, texture, taste and nutritional value. A liquid plant-based […]
Forging ahead in 2018

There is an old saying that time flies and it certainly feels that way. It’s been almost eight months since we were together as IDF family at the 2017 World Dairy Summit. Many things have happened at IDF over those months and I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight just a few of them to you. You will of course know by now that our new Director General, Caroline Emond, is in place. My thanks to all of you who have contacted her and made her feel welcome.