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Dairy industry reports progress against 2020 Goals and Targets and announces the new Goals and Targets for 2030
The Australian dairy industry promises to provide nutritious food for a healthier world
Alignment with SDGs
Helen Dornom Dairy Australia • Australia
The Australian dairy industry’s Sustainability Framework was agreed in 2012 – and the 2020 Goals and Targets set in 2013. Approaching 2020, and in collaboration with our external Consultative Forum, we agreed to continue our efforts, but align with the UNSDGs time horizon of 2030.
Our dairy promise is underpinned by 4 commitments:
- Enhancing economic viability and livelihoods – creating a vibrant industry that rewards dairy workers and families, their related communities, business and investors
- Improving the wellbeing of people – providing nutritious, safe, quality dairy food
- Providing best care for all our animals – striving for health, welfare and best care for all our animals throughout their lives
- Reducing environmental impact – meeting the challenge of climate change and providing good stewardship of our natural resources
The Framework was originally informed by a Materiality Review in 2011. Further reviews were undertaken in 2014 and 2016, with a more comprehensive review planned for later in the 2019 calendar year. Action plans to address the Goals and Targets of the Framework are being undertaken – and key metrics are reported to show our commitments – where we have progressed, and where we need to do more.
History of success
The Australian dairy industry Sustainability Framework is informed by an external Consultative Forum – this Forum has met 13 times (twice yearly since 2013, with the most recent meeting held 9th May 2019). Around the 100 members of this forum provide both context for global and national developments in key sustainability issues and feedback on the dairy industry’s actions and progress.
The Australian dairy industry Framework provides a roadmap for how the industry needs to address key issues –the Framework is about whole of industry change and provides credible and robust evidence to support our efforts. Individual Australian companies align with the Framework – but may prioritise particular actions to meet specific market demands.
The new 2030 Goals and Targets have identified four new areas to report progress: Nutritionally sustainable diets, Taking an industry position on Human Rights, Antimicrobial Stewardship and Halving food waste by 2030.
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New Opportunities
The new 2030 Goals and Targets have identified 4 new areas that the Framework is addressing, and progress will be reported in the 2019 Sustainability Report. These issues are:
- Nutritionally sustainable diets – ensuring the nutritional benefits of dairy are recognised and continue to have a role in providing nutritious food for a healthier world
- Taking an industry position on Human Rights
- Antimicrobial Stewardship – the dairy industry is committed to using antibiotics responsibly – as little as possible, as much as necessary – to protect the health and welfare of our animals and maintain access for human health
- Halving food waste by 2030 – actions also focus on reducing waste and using recyclable, compostable or degradable packaging
As well, the Australian dairy industry is considering a Carbon Neutral target for 2030 – currently the GHG emissions intensity target is a 30% reduction on 2015 levels by 2030.
More information
about the full 2018 Sustainability Report and our 2018 Report Card can be found for information here.