Dairy Innovation Hub

Bringing together knowledge on school milk programs from around the world

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Defining Innovation in the Dairy Sector

The introduction and application of novel concepts, procedures, tools, goods, or business plans that enhance the productivity, sustainability, quality, or commercial viability of dairy production and consumption is referred to as innovation in the dairy industry. It is a major factor in the dairy industry’s expansion, helping it to respond to changing consumer tastes, deal with environmental issues, and stay competitive in the global market.

Dr. Qu Dongyu

Head Of Milk

Food and Agriculture Organization 

Innovation by IDF throughout its history

IDF has a long and distinguished history of serving the global dairy sector. The story of the dairy industry’s innovation history is one of constant progress over centuries that has revolutionised dairy farming and processing. Simple methods that date back thousands of years, such as hand milking and basic cheese-making techniques, were the foundation of early innovations. Mechanisation started to influence industry with the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century. When milking machines were invented in the late 1800s, efficiency rose and manual labour was decreased. Louis Pasteur’s invention of pasteurisation in the 1860s was a significant step towards guaranteeing the safety of milk by getting rid of dangerous bacteria. Cold storage and refrigeration transformed milk transportation and preservation in the 20th century, enabling longer shelf lives and greater distribution.

IDF Dairy Innovation Awards

IDF has a long and distinguished history of serving the global dairy sector. AAt vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.

Worldwide Innovation Centres

IDF has a long and distinguished history of serving the global dairy sector. Global dairy innovation centres are specialised research and development establishments with the goal of using technology, innovation, and product development to advance the dairy industry. These facilities, which are usually run by dairy companies, educational institutions, or trade associations, act as focal points for investigating innovative dairy production techniques, boosting productivity, developing cutting-edge dairy products, and strengthening sustainability standards. Check out some of the innovation centers around the world.

Innovation Center

US Dairy Innovation Center

Innovation Center

Winners and finalists of the IDF DIA

The IDF Dairy Innovation Awards’ finalists and winners showcase innovative businesses, goods, and innovations reshaping the dairy industry.

Meet dairy innovators around the world

IDF has a long and distinguished history of serving the global dairy sector. Since its founding in 1903, the International Dairy Federation (IDF) has been instrumental in promoting innovation in the global dairy industry. The IDF has continuously promoted advancements in dairy science, production, and sustainability by serving as a forum for collaboration among experts, producers, scientists, and policymakers. Early on, the IDF concentrated on creating global guidelines for milk trade and quality, which aided in bringing practices from different countries together. The Federation gradually increased the scope of its work, collaborating closely with international health organisations to establish safety and hygienic guidelines, especially with regard to pasteurisation and food safety. IDF promoted modernisation in dairy farming and processing in the post-war era, pushing for the adoption of new technologies that improved productivity and quality. Over the past few decades, the IDF has progressively gave priority to nutrition, sustainability, and digitisation while encouraging innovation in fields like functional dairy products, precision dairy farming, and lowering carbon footprints. The International Dairy Fund (IDF) is a global leader in driving progress in the dairy industry by addressing issues such as climate change, changing consumer preferences, and global food security. It does this through research, knowledge-sharing events like the World Dairy Summit, and continuous engagement with stakeholders worldwide. Below, you can meet some of our dairy innovators.


Inner Mongolia Dairy Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd – Satine Active Lactoferrin Organic Pure Milk – China


 Innovation in Sustainable Farming Practices – Environment: Bioret Agri– Aqualim Thermodynamic

Innovation in Marketing & Communication Initiative Building Dairy Category: Dairy Farmers of Canada– We’re In


Interviews with some of our winners

National Dairy Development Board – Sundarban Cooperative Milk & Livestock Producers’ Union Limited – India.

Innovation in Sustainable Processing: Development of a RO-NF-UF membrane cascade to concentrate skim milk to a dry matter of greater-than 48%

Innovation in Climate Action: Lactanet Canada and Semex – Methane Efficiency Evaluations

J-milk – J-milk – Japan

Innovation in Sustainable Packaging: Yili Group Ltd– Declaring Your Love to the Earth with Actions – SATINE Environmentally Sustainable Packaging with No Ink or Printing

 Innovation in Sustainable Farming Practices – Environment: Dairy Australia– Environmental Tracker

Media room

IDF has a long and distinguished history of serving the global dairy sector. From the beginning of our journey to the current day, our aims remain the same – to nourish the world with safe and sustainable dairy.

The inaugural IDF DIA at the IDF WDS 2024 in Paris

Messages from the juries

IDF has a long and distinguished history of serving the global dairy sector. From the beginning of our journey to the current day, our aims remain the same – to nourish the world with safe and sustainable dairy.

FAO has been and will be your close partner to lead the transformation to more efficient, more inclusive, more resilient and more sustainable agrifood systems. For better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life for all, leaving no one behind. 

Dr Qu Dongyu


Food and Agriculture Organization 

From FEPALE, we send a strong and warm greeting to IDF for celebrating 120 years of tireless work for the development of the world dairy sector. We have many things and challenges in common for our sector, so we have a common path, which we must strengthen more and more.

Eduardo Schwerter


Pan-American Dairy Federation FEPALE

I’ve been working with IDF for over 20 years and I’m really proud of the work that we’ve done, developing standards and guidelines that are a fundamental part of our dairy business.

Steve Holroyd

Principal Research Scientist

Fonterra Research & Development Centre

We must adapt to the challenges of a changing world. We can only do this by joining forces from the public and private sector to achieve a healthier more sustainable world that is well prepared for the future. Happy anniversary!

Dr Monique Eloit

Director General

World Organisation for Animal Health 


The global dairy sector faces many challenges these days. However, I’m convinced that generating and sharing knowledge, information and experience in an international network like IDF will help us move forward and find the solutions and opportunities we need.

Jurgen Jansen

National Secretary

IDF National Committee The Netherlands

On behalf of the entire board, team and members of the ICAR, I want to send IDF our warmest wishes for your 120th anniversary. Not only is the long-standing of IDF is something to celebrate, we also applaud your tremendous contribution to the development of standards for the dairy sector and close collaboration with key dairy stakeholders. Wishing you a wonderful anniversary year and many more years to come.

Marie Agnes Mourot

Chief Executive

International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR)

Feel inspired

Since its founding in 1903, the International Dairy Federation (IDF) has played a significant role in fostering innovation in the global dairy industry by encouraging modern procedures, standardisation, and scientific research. The IDF initially concentrated on creating global quality standards and safety regulations, especially in relation to pasteurisation and milk hygiene. The organisation has promoted the adoption of effective and ecologically friendly practices by fostering developments in dairy farming, processing technology, and sustainability over the years. To address global dairy challenges and changing consumer demands, IDF is still at the forefront of innovation in sustainability, nutrition, and digitalisation.