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Global impact through collaboration: The value of contributing to IDF/ISO Dairy Standards

Date: August 26, 2024
Insights type: Blog, News
Subject Area: Dairy Science & Technology, Methods of Analysis & Sampling, Standards
Categories: Blog, News

By Wendy Warren, Ph.D., Dairy Scientist and Chair of the U.S. TAG to ISO TC34/SC5

In 2019, USDA AMS Dairy Program pursued accreditation by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the U.S. member to ISO, to administer the U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to ISO Technical Committee 34/Subcommittee 5 (TC34/SC5) for milk and milk product analytical standard development in support of our mission to facilitate the marketing of dairy products in the U.S. and across the globe. Upon AMS’s accreditation in November 2019, I became chair of the U.S. TAG to TC34/SC5 and have been responsible for organizing communications and activities designed to help U.S. stakeholders better understand and participate in the process of jointly developed IDF/ISO standards.

AMS participation has ensured that our country’s interests are represented in internationally agreed-upon expectations for products, processes and services published as IDF/ISO standards, and has allowed networking opportunities with subject-matter experts from across the globe. These interactions have promoted an increased level of knowledge, awareness, and insight not only into how international standards and expectations impact the dairy industry but also into many other aspects of the global marketplace. Moreover, it has provided opportunity to share technical insights that can help with global harmonization of analytical methods and guidelines.

In addition to increased knowledge and awareness of how global technical standards are developed for IDF/ISO, several other areas of professional development have been enhanced, including technical writing and communication, teamwork and consensus-building skills, leadership, and time management, and importantly, insights and understanding of international technical expectations and associated drivers.

A highlight of my experience in IDF/ISO standard development to date has been the opportunity to meet with international colleagues in person for the first time at the IDF World Dairy Summit in October 2023 and having a moment to reflect on the advancements that we have made in the short time that the U.S. TAG has been organized.

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