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IDF contributed to a new peer-reviewed publication highlighting the critical role of the dairy matrix in nutrition and health and proposing harmonized definitions

Date: September 18, 2024
Subject Area: Dairy Science & Technology, Nutrition & Health

A new paper, “The Dairy Matrix: Its Importance, Definition, and Current Application in the Context of Nutrition and Health,” has been recently published in the scientific journal Nutrients. This paper emphasizes the concept of the “dairy matrix,” which highlights that dairy foods are more than just the sum of their individual nutrients, with their structure and interactions playing a key role in contributing to important health outcomes. This publication exemplifies a remarkable international effort brought together by the International Dairy Federation (IDF). This work was undertaken by the IDF Action Team on Dairy Matrix, led by Dr Stephan Peters (NL) within the IDF Standing Committee on Nutrition and Health.

This publication marks a growing shift in the field of nutrition research, moving away from traditional nutrient-based guidelines towards a more holistic approach that considers the structure and composition of whole foods. Rather than focusing solely on isolated nutrients, such as calcium or fats, this approach highlights the importance of food as a whole. The “dairy matrix” concept aligns with global trends and research that emphasizes the health effects of dietary patterns and food structures, recognizing that the interactions between nutrients within foods can have significant impacts on health outcomes. This shift is reshaping how we understand the role of dairy in a balanced diet.

The dairy matrix demonstrates that the health effects of dairy products are not just determined by their individual components but by the interactions between these nutrients within the food’s structure. The matrix found in foods like milk, cheese, and yoghurt plays a crucial role in influencing digestion, nutrient absorption, and overall health benefits. This interconnected system can help explain why dairy foods offer long-term health benefits, including better nutrient bioavailability and enhanced physiological effects, which go beyond what can be attributed to any single nutrient.

Research has consistently shown that the consumption of various forms of dairy foods has either favourable or neutral associations with cardiometabolic health outcomes, including cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. These beneficial health effects, which may seem counterintuitive given the saturated fat content in dairy, are attributed to the dairy matrix itself. The unique structure of dairy foods, and how their components interact, allows for these positive or neutral health associations.

The paper calls for the integration of the dairy matrix concept into global public health policies and guidelines. Harmonizing global definitions and incorporating the dairy matrix into dietary recommendations and food labeling practices could significantly enhance nutrition policies. By moving away from reductionist approaches that focus solely on individual nutrients, this shift can promote better public health outcomes and improve the way food choices are guided.

To facilitate global understanding and application, the IDF has put forward harmonized terms. The “dairy matrix” describes the unique structure of a dairy food, its components (e.g., nutrients and non-nutrients), and how they interact. Furthermore, the “dairy matrix health effects” refers to the impact of a dairy food on health that extends beyond its individual components (e.g., nutrients and non-nutrients).

In conclusion, this paper highlights the critical role of the dairy matrix in shaping the health benefits of dairy foods. By focusing on the interactions and structures within dairy products rather than just their individual nutrients, it shifts nutrition research toward a more holistic approach. The call for integrating the dairy matrix into public health policies and dietary guidelines offers a pathway to more effective and comprehensive nutrition recommendations. With harmonized global definitions from the IDF, this concept promises to promote the understanding of dairy’s contribution to health.

For more information, access the full article here:

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