“Some of these initiatives are the result of cooperation practices between countries, between the public and the private sectors, and also with contributions from academia and universities”. Ms Emond adds.
This shared knowledge, as well as the innovation and technology exchange that it implies, is one of the main purposes of the Dairy Sustainability Outlook in particular and IDF in general.
“The diversity of initiatives described in this DSO edition is not only geographical and cultural: it also appreciates the variety of issues addressed by them, from environmental sustainability to animal welfare and socioeconomic impact”, Ms Ms Emond explains.
Therefore, the multiplicity of topics included in this edition of IDF DSO is very much aligned with IDF’s approach and understanding of Sustainability as a broad and complex concept that addresses many of the challenges that mankind currently faces, as well as IDF’s and the Dairy sector’s determination to contribute to their solution.
“As part of this determination and commitment, we are already working on a special issue on climate in preparation for the UN COP27 Summit scheduled in November which will also include champions of the Pathways to Dairy Net Zero initiative”, Ms Emond concludes.
The articles included in this edition of the DSO are outstanding contributions from IDF stakeholders to those relevant and unavoidable discussions.
You can download the publication from IDF corporate website:
Click here to download: IDF Dairy Sustainability Outlook Edition 5