A dynamic new look for the IDF website

A first glimpse at IDF’s new responsive, intuitive, and secure combined public website and e-shop! The fresh new website has been carefully structured to deliver on the brief of a modern, clean, professional, intuitive, and secure multiplatform website. Our aim was to instantly impress website visitors with IDF’s clear expertise and its core identity alongside […]

New bulletin advocates revised approach to lactose in dairy

Responding to a lack of evidence-based information about the important role of lactose as part of a healthy diet, IDF releases Bulletin 509/2021: Lactose, an important nutrient: Advocating a revised policy approach for dairy and its intrinsic sugar. Milk, cheese, yogurt, and other cultured/fermented dairy products are composed of complex structures and are important sources […]

Scientific expertise on cheese at IDF Symposium

The virtual format of the IDF International Cheese Science and Technology Symposium 2021, held between the 7 to 11 June 2021 will offer an increased number of live and on-demand lectures by expert keynote speakers, Q&A thematic sessions, interactive e-poster workshops, and numerous networking opportunities with researchers, emerging scientists, cheese experts and industry representatives inside […]

Joint GDP/IDF Statement – UN Food Systems Summit

With the world nowhere close to delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the target date of 2030, the Summit Secretariat has issued a call for game-changing solutions to pick up the pace to deliver the SDGs. The global dairy sector, represented by the International Dairy Federation and Global Dairy Platform, has been sharing […]

New bulletin on lactose as an important nutrient

Our latest IDF bulletin looks at the structure of Milk, cheese, yogurt, and other cultured/fermented dairy products which are important sources of key nutrients. As part of their nutrient-rich package, dairy foods also contain naturally occurring sugar, lactose. It is important to consider dairy products in a unique way, giving credit to the important nutritional […]

Fuel for life – the vital role of school feeding worldwide

IDF Director General Caroline Emond shares her views on the importance of global school meal programs, incorporating nutrient-dense foods like milk and dairy, and their important role in addressing hunger, malnutrition, access to school and education, and alleviation of poverty. On Thursday 11 March we celebrate the 9th International School Meals Day, with the theme […]

Improving consistency in milk somatic cell counting – Guidance on application of EC JRC Certified Reference Material released

Joint guidance prepared by IDF and ICAR represents a further step towards better equivalence in somatic cell counting worldwide. Milk somatic cell count (SCC) is a widely used indicator for monitoring the udder health of several mammalian species and is relevant in food hygiene regulations, milk payment testing, farm management and breeding programmes. In February […]