IDF releases 2nd edition of Dairy Sustainability Outlook

Second edition of case studies for sustainable dairying offers those involved in the field with an insight into ongoing projects and new research on sustainability of importance for the dairy sector. The IDF (International Dairy Federation) has today published the second edition of its Dairy Sustainability Outlook. The publication presents a wide range of national […]

Coordinated action needed on mastitis

Healthy and productive dairy animals are vital to the provision of a safe, sufficient and nutritious food supply at a time of a rapidly increasing global population. Mastitis causes decreased productivity as well as food loss due to discarded milk. Coordinated action is essential if the dairy sector is to achieve optimal management of this […]

Dairy analytical standards on the agenda at the IDF/ISO Analytical Week 2019

Leading analytical experts exchange perspectives on the latest technical and technological findings within the dairy sector. This week saw the close of 2019 IDF/ISO Analytical week, an important event in the calendar for those working the field of dairy products analysis. The event welcomed more than 130 delegates from 22 countries, as well as representatives […]

What room for ruminants in a sustainable food future?

Leading scientists meet to assess the climate impact of the agri-food sector in a review of sustainable eating habits In the climate change debate, the environmental footprint of agriculture is often under discussion, with much of the recent discourse around food focusing on the potential impact of cattle. However, not all information in circulation stands […]

Dairy animals and their role in a sustainable food system

Over the past few months, discussions on how to develop sustainable food systems have been in the spotlight, and was one of the key topics at the UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi which I had the pleasure to attend. Nourishing (not only feeding with empty food) an increasing world population with efficient use of the […]

World Food Safety Day: Food Safety, everyone’s business

IDF welcomes the first World Food Safety Day, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in December 2018, which will be celebrated on 7 June 2019 under the theme “Food Safety, everyone’s business.” It is indeed everyone’s business! Without food safety, there is no food security. In a world where the food supply chain has […]

Family farming in a rapidly changing world

Introducing the UN Decade of Family Farming On 20 December 2017, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution by which it declared 2019-2028 to be the Decade of Family Farming. FAO and IFAD actively supported the campaign and have been called upon to co-lead the implementation of the Decade in cooperation with a […]

Global Dairy Experts Celebrate World Milk Day 2019

Global dairy experts meet in Copenhagen to discuss pressing animal health issue Leading global experts in udder health from no less than 25 countries are meeting in Copenhagen today to discuss preventatitive solutions for mastitis, ranked by IDF (International Dairy Federation) as one of the most important diseases impacting the dairy sector. Organised by IDF and hosted […]

LEAP Sustainability Initiatives Forging Ahead

In 2019, IDF was pleased to take up the chairmanship role in the FAO Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance (LEAP) partnership, an initiative focused on improving sustainability within the livestock sector. LEAP is a multi-stakeholder initiative made up of Governments, NGOs and members of the private sector, which is hosted by FAO. It develops comprehensive […]