OECD expects dairy fat consumption to continue to increase

Brussels, 3 July 2018 – Consumers’ preferences are influenced by the science on dairy fat and its impact on a healthy diet, the OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2018-2027, has noted in its publication which was released today. Welcoming the report IDF Director General Caroline Emond said the OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2018-2027 provides useful market data and […]

South Korean Dairy Sector Can Benefit from Global Expertise at IDF World Dairy Summit

The South Korean dairy sector can benefit from global expertise and the exchange of ideas about technology, innovation and new developments at the IDF World Dairy Summit 2018 in Daejeon. The annual event is being hosted by South Korea for the first time, bringing together more than 1,500 delegates from around the world. “It’s an […]

Deepening Understanding of Food Microstructures and Dairy Science

Some 200 experts in food engineering, food science and food technology participated at the 3rd IDF Symposium on Microstructures of Dairy Products in Montreal, Québec, Canada, from 3-6 June 2018. It was the first time the IDF had coorganised the Symposium with the 3rd Food Structure and Functionality Forum and Elsevier, offering a platform for […]

Antimicrobial Resistance a focus at IDF World Dairy Summit 2018

Renowned South Korean scientist, Professor Yong Ho Park of Seoul National University will share his insights on the work of the Codex Task Force on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) at the IDF World Dairy Summit to be held in Daejeon, South Korea, from 15-19 October. Prof Park will deliver his presentation at a day-long conference on […]

IDF to present paper at Codex Alimentarius Commission CAC41 in Rome

IDF will present a paper at the Codex Alimentarius Commission CAC41 in Rome next month on ways to improve interactions between international organisations and Codex, and the development of complementary partnerships. IDF Director General Caroline Emond will undertake the presentation at the invitation of the Codex Secretariat at the next session of the Codex Alimentarius […]

Forging ahead in 2018

There is an old saying that time flies and it certainly feels that way. It’s been almost eight months since we were together as IDF family at the 2017 World Dairy Summit. Many things have happened at IDF over those months and I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight just a few of them to you. You will of course know by now that our new Director General, Caroline Emond, is in place. My thanks to all of you who have contacted her and made her feel welcome.

Italy is new signatory of Dairy Declaration of Rotterdam

Italy has become a new signatory of the Dairy Declaration of Rotterdam, which brings the total number of signatories to 24 to date. The IDF National Committee of Italy, Assolatte (Italian Dairy Association), Confcooperative (Confederazione Cooperative Italiane) and AOP Latte Italia (Association of Producer Organisations of Latte Italia) inked the Declaration on 1 June 2018 […]

Milking practices to enhance udder health and boost productivity

The global dairy sector’s efforts to further develop animal health and welfare practices have today been given a boost by the publication of a scientific review which aims to help reduce the over-milking of cattle and small ruminants. Over-milking occurs when the milking apparatus remains attached to the udder with little or no milk being […]

Global dairy sector leads the herd on animal welfare

The Director-General of the International Dairy Federation (IDF), Caroline Emond, said yesterday that the dairy sector’s ongoing commitment to animal health and welfare was driven by a steadfast dedication to the continuous improvement of best practice across all levels of the dairy supply chain. Speaking at the OIE Global Animal Welfare Forum, Ms Emond said: […]