Dairy Champions awarded at the IDF Global Dairy Conference 2021

Three IDF dairy champions have been honoured for their leadership, dedication, and commitment to the sector at the IDF Global Dairy Conference. The winners of the prestigious awards were announced during the Gala dinner of the 2021 IDF Global Dairy Conference, which was held in Copenhagen, Denmark. Erica Hocking, a Senior Nutrition Scientist for Dairy […]

IDF launches World Dairy Situation Report 2021

The International Dairy Federation’s latest overview of the dairy sector, covering markets worldwide, global trends and preliminary COVID-19 impacts is released. On Wednesday 13 October 2021, the International Dairy Federation (IDF) launched the latest edition of its flagship publication on global dairy markets, the World Dairy Situation Report 2021 at the IDF Global Dairy Conference, […]

IDF welcomes Mexico to its membership

Copenhagen, October 12, 2021. At the IDF General Assembly, IDF admitted Mexico of as a new member of the IDF Community. Commenting on this announcement, Piercristiano Brazzale, President of the IDF said: “We’re very thrilled to welcome Mexico into the IDF membership. We look forward to working with them on the key issues facing the […]

IDF releases bulletin on methods for determination of somatic cell count

In the dairy sector throughout the world, there is a desire to optimize udder health. Good udder health leads to improved animal welfare, improved production efficiency, stronger animal health, and reduction of the use of antimicrobials. Usually, when an infection occurs, milk somatic cell counts (SCC) in the udder increases. Therefore, milk SCC is used […]

IDF Cheese Symposium goes virtual for the first time ever!

Every 4 years, The IDF Cheese Science and Technology Symposium is held and co-organised by FIL-IDF Canada and the Quebec STELA Dairy Research Centre of Université Laval. The 2021 completely virtual edition gathered international scientific experts to share the latest research findings and technology innovations. Throughout the week, the virtual formula offered an enhanced conference […]

Scientific expertise on cheese at IDF Symposium

The virtual format of the IDF International Cheese Science and Technology Symposium 2021, held between the 7 to 11 June 2021 will offer an increased number of live and on-demand lectures by expert keynote speakers, Q&A thematic sessions, interactive e-poster workshops, and numerous networking opportunities with researchers, emerging scientists, cheese experts and industry representatives inside […]

New bulletin on lactose as an important nutrient

Our latest IDF bulletin looks at the structure of Milk, cheese, yogurt, and other cultured/fermented dairy products which are important sources of key nutrients. As part of their nutrient-rich package, dairy foods also contain naturally occurring sugar, lactose. It is important to consider dairy products in a unique way, giving credit to the important nutritional […]