Preliminary programme posted for IDF World Dairy Summit 2019

We are looking forward to an exciting IDF World Dairy Summit 2019 from 23-26 September in Istanbul and are delighted to announce that the preliminary programme is now available to view on the website. Under the theme of ‘Milk for Life’ participants will hear from the dairy sector’s foremost experts on some of today’s most relevant […]

IDF joins new H2020 consortium to reduce AMR

Global dairy experts meet in Copenhagen to discuss pressing animal health issue Leading global experts in udder health from no less than 25 countries are meeting in Copenhagen today to discuss preventatitive solutions for mastitis, ranked by IDF (International Dairy Federation) as one of the most important diseases impacting the dairy sector. Organised by IDF and hosted […]

Registration opens for the IDF World Dairy Summit 2019

The International Dairy Federation (IDF) and the organizer of the event, the National Dairy Council of Turkey, today announced the opening of registration for the IDF World Dairy Summit, which will take place in Istanbul from 23-26 September. Registration is open at the newly launched website, “IDF is delighted to open the registration for […]

IDF-GDP Press Release on Eat Lancet Report

Recently, a group of scientists and interested citizens came together to form the EAT-Lancet Commission on Food, Planet, Health, an international panel seeking consensus on a roadmap for sustainable food systems. We commend them for their contribution to the global dialogue on how to produce and provide more sustainable food. The dairy sector is committed […]

India and China to host IDF World Dairy Summits in 2022 and 2023

India and China will host the forthcoming IDF World Dairy Summits in 2022 and 2023 respectively in their capitals. Both countries won the right to host the annual IDF flagship event with unanimous support from the General Assembly which met on the eve of the World Dairy Summit 2018 in Daejeon, Korea, on 14 October. […]

Tackling antimicrobial resistance in the dairy sector is a global effort to ensure animal and public health, and food safety

The dairy sector has adopted an integrated supply chain management approach to curb the spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). This requires positive actions and cooperation by all players such as dairy farmers, veterinarians, dairy and meat processing companies, animal feed producers, pharmaceutical firms and regulators. The recent annual World Antibiotic Awareness Week 2018 may have […]

Global dairy expertise showcased at World Dairy Summit 2018

The dairy sector demonstrated their global expertise at the IDF World Dairy Summit 2018 which bore the theme ‘Dairy for the Next Generation!’. The international speakers outlined the dairy sector’s contribution to nutrition and health; food security and safety; as well as sustainability. Former UN Secretary-General said milk is critical and essential for international efforts […]

Big ‘Thank You’ to host of IDF World Dairy Summit 2018

This IDF World Dairy Summit has been a true platform for dialogue, knowledge-sharing and establishing mutually beneficial networks which will help shape the dairy sector. From the wonderful speech given by former Secretary General Ban Ki Moon at the opening of the Summit, to each and every conference and special session right up until the […]

Efforts to eradicate M.bovis will strengthen on-farm biosecurity systems

Public-private partnership to eradicate Mycoplasma bovis in New Zealand will strengthen on-farm biosecurity systems, said Dr Tim Mackle, CEO of DairyNZ, as he outlined the largest biosecurity response in the country. M. bovis, which spread to New Zealand for the very first time, was the topic of Dr Mackle’s presentation at the IDF World Dairy […]