Meeting wrap-up – IDF/ISO virtual analytical meetings
Due to the current pandemic of COVID-19, IDF and ISO have just wrapped up their first digital meetings. 13 calls were held with approximately 100 participants attending one or several of the meetings. All meetings were productive, and participants respected the virtual meeting rules.
In terms of outcomes, several standards have been identified for revision, such as ISO 14675|IDF 186 (guidelines for a standardized description of competitive enzyme immunoassays for aflatoxin M1). New guidelines for the use of the promising Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) technique for e.g. fat determination will be developed. The current Codex review of methods recommended for milk and milk products in the CXS 234 remains a priority for IDF and ISO.
11 IDF/ISO standards or IDF Bulletins are expected to be published in the coming 12 months thanks to the active involvement of experts around the world. IDF and ISO warmly thanks all Chairs, Deputy Chairs, Action Team leaders and experts who are working on about 70 projects which all aim to improve the analytical methods for the quality, and safety of dairy products. Our thanks also to the Chinese Organizing Committee for their invitation and good work.
For more information about IDF work with ISO, please contact Aurélie Dubois-Lozier, IDF Science and Standards Manager.