IDF Factsheet 2/ 2019 Ethyl Vanillin: Artificial flavours in feed – Possible transfer of ethyl vanillin from feed to milk
Why are feed flavours used in animal production?
IDF Factsheet 1/ 2019 WGS: Whole Genome Sequencing
Recent advances in rapid, high throughput DNA sequencing have revolutionised the study of biology and are now used in microbial risk assessment (MRA) to enhance food safety and security. ‘Next Generation Sequencing’ (NGS) technologies have a wide range of applications, including the sequencing of microbial genomes and culture-free identification of microbial communities.
IDF Factsheet 4/2018: Executive Summary of IDF Country Reports – October 2018
Members of the IDF Standing Committee on Dairy Policies and Economics and the IDF Standing Committee on Marketing from 20 countries submitted country reports covering the six months leading up to October 2018. This fact sheet highlights the main findings from the review of the country reports presented to the joint Committee meeting held in […]
IDF Factsheet 3/2018: Trans fatty acids (TFA) to be differentiated into industrially produced TFAs and naturally present TFAs
Trans fatty acids (TFA) are a specific type of unsaturated fatty acids
IDF Factsheet 2/2018: Country Report Spring 2018
Members of the IDF Standing Committee on Dairy Policies and Economics (SC DPE) from 13 countries submitted country reports covering the past year leading up to April 2018.
IDF Factsheet 1/2018: Heat treatment
Heat treatment is the most widely used processing technology in the dairy industry. Its main purpose is to destroy microorganisms, both pathogenic and spoilage, to ensure the milk is safe and has a reasonable shelf-life.
IDF Factsheet 5/2017: Phthalates in Dairy Equipment
Due to increasing evidence of the adverse effects of this substance on male reproductive development, DEHP has often been replaced in recent years with non-phthalate alternatives.
IDF Factsheet 6/2017: Country Reports October 2017
Members of the IDF Standing Committee on Dairy Policies and Economics (SC DPE) and the Standing Committee on Marketing (SCM) from 17 countries1 submitted reports covering the six months leading up to October 2017. This fact sheet highlights the main findings from the review of the country reports.
The use of dairy terms for labelling and promotional information
This factsheet provides information on the principles of food labelling and the rules as laid down by the Codex General Standard on the Use of Dairy Terms to provide an internationally accepted framework to protect the integrity of milk and milk products
Saturated Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease
This factsheet presents information about the role of SFAs, the importance of food sources, of SFAs, the type of SFAs, and their matrix effects.