Use of wood in cheese ripening
In some countries the use of wooden vats or the practice of ripening cheese blocks/loaves on wooden shelves is considered critical in moisture exchange and in defining the final texture and flavour of such cheeses.
IDF Country Reports – Oct 2016
Members of the IDF Standing Committee on Dairy Policies and Economics (SC DPE) from 13 countries submitted country reports covering the six months leading up to April 2016.
Cronobacter species in the dairy industry
IDF’s Standing Committee on Microbiological Hygiene has released a Fact Sheet on Cronobacter species in the dairy industry describing its importance and how to manage its risk.
IDF Executive Summary of IDF Country Reports
Members of the IDF Standing Committee on Dairy Policies and Economics (SC DPE) from 13 countries 1 submitted country reports covering the six months leading up to April 2016.
Why semicarbazide is not a suitable marker for nitrofurazone in dairy products
For dairy products, adhere to direct measurement of intact nitrofurazone rather than semicarbazide. Because semicarbazide can arise from other sources, such as protein interactions during storage and packaging materials, semicarbazide is an unreliable breakdown marker for nitrofurazone.
Trans fatty acids
This factsheet provides further information on Industrially produced TFA and on Naturally occurring TFA.
The Role of dairy in optimal nutrition and under-nutrition 1000 days with references
The critical window for adequate child growth and cognitive development is between conception and 24 months of age and hence many recent international nutrition initiatives focus on optimising nutrition in the “first 1000 days”. Milk and dairy products as nutrient dense sources of macro and micronutrients play a key role in healthy human nutrition and […]
The role of dairy in sustainable nutrition with references
Good health depends on good nutrition. Good nutrition, in turn, depends on agriculture to provide the foods for a balanced diet that meets our needs for energy and essential nutrients like protein, vitamins and minerals. To achieve this goal, stakeholders from agriculture, industry, academia and government will have to collaborate to identify practical, sustainable interventions […]
The role of dairy in optimal nutrition and under-nutrition – the first 1000 days
The critical window for adequate child growth and cognitive development is between conception and 24 months of age and hence many recent international nutrition initiatives focus on optimising nutrition in the “first 1000 days”. Milk and dairy products as nutrient dense sources of macro and micronutrients play a key role in healthy human nutrition and […]
The Role of Dairy in Sustainable Nutrition
Good health depends on good nutrition. Good nutrition, in turn, depends on agriculture to provide the foods for a balanced diet that meets our needs for energy and essential nutrients like protein, vitamins and minerals. To achieve this goal, stakeholders from agriculture, industry, academia and government will have to collaborate to identify practical, sustainable interventions […]