
Osteoporosis is an illness of the skeleton associated with a diminution of the density of the bones and disturbance of their internal architecture. This silent, painless disease is very common. It affects women primarily but men, too, are not spared as they grow older.

Nutritional quality of milkfat

Fatty acids and lipids in general supply energy, are important for body structure and are essential for the metabolism of the body. Milkfat, which gives dairy products their smooth taste and contributes to their special flavour, consists of many different components such as triglycerides, diglycerides, phospholipids, monoglycerides, fat-soluble substances, and more than 400 different fatty […]

Lipids/saturated fats and cardiovascular diseases

The French diet is higher in fat, particularly saturated fats, than the diet of most of its European neighbors and of Americans. And yet, in France, cardiovascular mortality and obesity rates are among the lowest in the world for both men and women. As a picture is sometimes worth a thousand words, this Cholé-doc proposes […]

Dairy Products and Allergies

Food allergies – also referred to as hypersensitivities – can be defined as exaggerated reactions by the immune system to food components it considers as intruders. The food allergen is generally a protein or an amino-acid sequence. Food allergies can be explained as breakdowns in the body’s normal immune response (which usually tolerates food proteins). […]

Nutrition and Environment

This factsheet will provide you with information about how the nutritional richness of milk and dairy products is an important component when considering the environmental impact of food.

Nutrient-rich dairy foods & you

This factsheet provides further information on how dairy products can provide a package of nutrient to help your body stay healthy.

Dairy foods – helping to nourish the world

Addressing questions such as ‘are people meeting their nutritional needs?’ and ‘can you have a nutritionally adequate diet without dairy foods?’, this factsheet highlights the importance of meeting recommended amounts of nutrients in the diet.

Interpretation of protein quality methodology: change to DIAAS

Following the release of Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition – Report of an FAO Expert Consultation, which recommends changing from the PDCAAS method of protein quality evaluation to Digestible Indispensable Amino Acid Score (DIAAS), the IDF Standing Committee on Nutrition and Health reviewed the FAO report and related articles published in August 2012 […]

Dairy & weight

Trying to lose weight ? Research has shown that you will have more likelihood of success with an adequate calcium intake. Therefore, don’t abandon your milk and milk products as they provide the most convenient and reliable source of this calcium and at the same time also provide other essential nutrients.