IDF 17A: 1972 – Determination of the salt content of cheese
This standard has been withdrawn and replaced by the joint Standard ISO 5943 | ID 88: 2006
IDF 14: 1960 – Milk pipes and fittings
This Standard was withdrawn because outdated
IDF 10: 1960 – Determination of the moisture content of butter
Previously superseded by Standard 137, now replaced by the joint standard ISO 8851-1 | IDF 191-1: 2004
IDF 008: 1959 – Determination of the iodine value of butterfat
Withdrawn in 2003 because outdated. The members of our Federation (National Committees) decided to withdraw this standard via a questionnaire (ref 3202)
IDF 003: 1958 – Colony count of liquid milk & dried milk
Previously replaced by the horizontal standard ISO 4833: 2003 which is now replaced by the standards ISO 4833-1: 2013 and ISO 4833-2: 2013
IDF 002: 1958 – Selection & number of samples for milk & milk products
This standard has been withdrawn and replaced by the joint standards: ISO 707 | IDF 50: 2008 and ISO 5538 | IDF 113: 2004
Bulletin of the IDF N° 491/ 2018: Teat-cup and cluster removal strategies for cattle and small ruminants, Review and recommendations
Since the 1990s, when the technology was first introduced to Europe, automatic milking systems AMS (extraction of milk from dairy animals without human labour) have gained substantial momentum. Nowadays, more than 25,000 dairy farms worldwide employ AMS to milk their dairy herds. An optimal teat-cup removal is needed to achieve gentle, quick and complete milking […]
ISO 9233-2 I IDF 140-2: 2018 – Cheese, cheese rind and processed cheese – Determination of natamycin content – Part 2: High-performance liquid chromatographic method for cheese, cheese rind and processed cheese
This document specifies a method for the determination of natamycin mass fraction in cheese, cheese rind and processed cheese of above 0,5 mg/kg and of the surface-area-related natamycin mass in cheese rind of above 0,03 mg/dm2. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 9233-2 | IDF 140‑2:2007), of which it constitutes a […]
ISO 9233-1 I IDF 140-1: 2018 – Cheese, Cheese rind and processed cheese – Determination of natamycin content – Part 1: Molecular absorption spectrometric method for cheese rind
This document specifies a method for the determination in cheese rind of natamycin mass fraction of above 0,5 mg/kg and surface-area-related natamycin mass of above 0,03 mg/dm2. NOTE It is possible that the method is suitable for detecting migration of natamycin into the cheese. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 9233‑1 […]
ISO 19662 I IDF 238: 2018 – Milk – Determination of fat content – Acido-butyrometric (Gerber method)
This document specifies a method, the acido-butyrometric or “Gerber”, for determining the fat content of milk. It is applicable to whole milk and partially skimmed milk. It is also applicable to milk containing authorized preservatives (potassium dichromate, bronopol). It does not apply to formalin milk, nor to milks that have undergone a homogenisation treatment.