ISO 15163 | IDF 110: 2012 – Milk and Milk products – Calf rennet and adult bovine rennet – Determination by chromatography of chymosin and bovine pepsin contents

This International Standard specifies a reference method for the determination of the amounts of chymosin and bovine pepsin present in a test sample of calf rennet and adult bovine rennet. In addition, it can be used for mixtures of calf/bovine rennet with fermentation-produced bovine chymosin (FPC). This edition cancels and replaces IDF 110B: 1997.

Bulletin of the IDF N° 452/ 2011: Collaborative Study on Nitrate in Milk and Milk Products using a Method by Enzymatic Reduction and Photometric Determination after Griess Reaction (International Standard ISO 20541 | IDF 197)

An alternative method for determining the content of nitrate in milk and milk products that does not involve any reagent that can have a negative effect of the environment has been developed (ISO 20541 | IDF 197) and tested in an international interlaboratory study to establish its precision (repeatability and reproducibility). This report describes the […]

Bulletin of the IDF N° 450/ 2011: Determination of Water Content in Lactose by Karl Fischer Titration

Interlaboratory collaborative study The traditional gravimetric oven drying method for determining water content in dried dairy products does not give reliable results when applied to lactose. A Karl Fischer Titration method that determines molecular water has been developed and tested in an international collaborative study to establish its precision (repeatability and reproducibility) for its adoption […]

Bulletin of the IDF N° 449/ 2011: Integrated supply chain management

I – INTEGRATED CHAIN MANAGEMENT (ICM) FOR FOOD SAFETY IDF principles of Integrated Chain Management applied to food safety and the Codex and ISO standards defining their application to foods are outlined in the context of milk and milk products in the first chapter. The second chapter provides the guidelines on integrity of suppliers’ milk […]

Bulletin of the IDF N° 448/ 2011: Suggested Interpretation of Mastitis Terminology

Guide to unambiguous usage of mastitis terms intended to minimize differences in usage in different English-speaking countries and thereby facilitate communication between mastitis specialists and users of mastitis data, bearing in mind the importance of mastitis in animal welfare and economics of milk production. Recent mastitis and other literature (IDF, Codex and other) has been […]