Bulletin of the IDF N° 447/ 2010: New Applications of Mid Infra-Red Spectrometry for the Analysis of Milk and Milk Products

Products with an higher content of unsaturated fatty acids interest the dairy sector. Modern analytical and statistical techniques provide accurate results on the contents of saturated, unsaturated, mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids in products from cow, goat and ewe milk. Mid infra-red spectroscopy with Fourier Transform Infra-Red technology (FTIR) can be applied as screening method, […]

Bulletin of the IDF N° 442/ 2010: Current situation and compilation of commercially available screening methods for the detection of inhibitors/antibiotic residues in milk

The presence or absence of residues of antibiotics and microbial growth inhibitors in milk is checked routinely and systematically in all dairy countries. A wide range of screening test kits is available to the dairy sector for this purpose. This compilation brings together recent information on what is available commercially, the analytical principle of the […]

Bulletin of the IDF N° 399/2005 – The World Dairy Situation 2005

Results of annual survey presented by the Chair of the Standing Committee ‘Dairy Policies and Economics’ at the IDF World Dairy Summit, Vancouver, September 2005. The 2005 edition of the World Dairy Situation report includes the customary collation of figures and comments from IDF National Committees and other sources. Data are also available from countries […]

Bulletin of the IDF N° 396/2005: Evaluating Milking Performance

Overview of commonly-encountered problems in machine milking of cows and guidelines for methods for evaluating the milking installation, its operation and the interaction between equipment, cow and operator based on recent experience of dairy advisers, udder health specialists and milking machine technicians. Suggests meas-urements to quantify aspects of milking performance with a view to recommendations […]

Bulletin of the IDF N° 395/2005 – Method Standardization In The Third Millennium

Proceedings of symposium held in IDF/ISO/AOAC International Analytical Week, Parma (Italy), 21 April 2004 Demands by users of methods of analysis, and by users of the results, for precision and reliability are greater year by year. The analytical community is constantly considering how to improve performance and how to communicate the improvements. The papers at […]

Bulletin of the IDF N° 394/2005 – Economic Consequences Of Mastitis

Control of mastitis is undertaken to improve animal welfare and economic performance. However, calculating the cost of mastitis and its control as well as the benefit of control is complex. A number of factors is involved and it is difficult to make reliable estimates of the cost effect of some of these factors. This report […]