Bulletin of the IDF N° 454/ 2012: Air Emissions from Dairy Processing and Energy Plants

The report presents an overview of definitions, sources, legal requirements, and technical solutions for air emission control in dairy processing and control of dust emissions from energy supply plants in dairy production. This paper highlights the fact that, while the dairy industry contributes to dust emissions, it is not a significant source in global terms. […]

Special Issue 1201- IDF International Symposium on Sheep, Goat and other non-Cow Milk – 16-18 May 2011, Athens, Greece

Proceedings of an International Symposium, 16-18 May 2011, Athens, Greece Developments in ewes milk, goat milk and other non-cow milk in many countries concerning production of milk, products made from it (cheese, yogurt, and many local products), microbiology, analysis, composition, technology, nutritional properties. KEYWORDS: Donkey, Ewe, Goat, Milk, Cheese, Yogurt, Artisanal products, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Production, […]

Food fermentations: Microorganisms with technological beneficial use

François Bourdichon, Serge Casaregola, Choreh Farrokh, Jens C. Frisvad, Monica L. Gerds, Walter P. Hammes, James Harnett, Geert Huys, Svend Laulund, Arthur Ouwehand, Ian B. Powell, Jashbhai B. Prajapati, Yasuyuki Seto, Eelko Ter Schure, Aart Van Boven, Vanessa Vankerckhoven, Annabelle Zgoda, Sandra Tuijtelaars, Egon Bech Hansen International Journal of Food Microbiology ABSTRACT: Microbial food cultures […]

Guide to Good Dairy Farming Practice in English (2011)

This Guide gives individual dairy farmers proactive guidance on how these objectives can be achieved on their farm. The practices that are suggested have been drawn from best practice guidelines and existing assurance schemes around the world, and so individual practices will vary in their applicability to various dairying regions. They are not intended to […]

Guide to Prudent Use of Antimicrobial Agents in Dairy Production in French

Le Guide de la FIL pour l’utilisation prudente des agents antimicrobiens dans les fermes laitières a été rédigé par un groupe de projet composé d’experts, membres du Comité Permanent de la Fil sur les Résidus et les Contaminants Chimiques et sur la Santé et le Bien-être Animal ainsi que des représentants de l’Organisation Mondiale de […]

Guide to Prudent Use of Antimicrobial Agents in Dairy Production in English

The Guide to Prudent Use of Antimicrobial Agents in Dairy Production was elaborated by a project group composed of experts, members of the IDF Standing Committees on Residues and Chemical Contaminants and Animal Health and Welfare as well as representatives of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). The objective of the guide is to […]

Bulletin of the IDF N° 133/1981 – New monograph on UHT milk

The first monograph of this type was published by I DF in 1972 and was a best seller. The new monograph produced by the same group of international experts, augmented by representatives from a few additional countries is expected to be equally popular. It includes updated chapters of the previous book and several new chapters […]