Bulletin of the IDF N° 364/2001: On-Farm Control and Diagnosis of Paratuberculosis – Scanned copy
Paratuberculosis is an infectious disease that has emerged to become one of the leading causes of economic loss to the dairy cattle and small ruminant industries. In recognition of this, the International Dairy Federation created a Task Force to compile the latest information concerning the diagnosis and control of the disease, the biology of the […]
Bulletin of the IDF N° 16/1963 – Use of dyes for the detection of antibiotics in milk
By Prof. Dr P. Kaestli, Switzerland On the basis of results of tests with various colouring matters, the author concludes that dye-marking of antibiotics is probably the most effective measure for preventing milk with antibiotics from being marketed. Withdrawn because publication not available.
Bulletin of the IDF N° 18/1964 – Report of an IDF Seminar on fermented milks, held in Paris (France) from 25 to 27 September 1963
This document contains the text of the 12 reports submitted at this international conference as well as an account of the discussions and the resolutions of the Seminar. Withdrawn because publication not available.
Bulletin of the IDF N° 19/1964 – Antioxydants in dried milk – The significance of thermoduric organisms in milk
Antioxydants in dried milk By Dr. J.w. Pette, Netherlands & Dr. J.A.B. Smith, U.K. After reviewing the more recent knowledge on this subject, the authors conclude that the best keeping quality is achieved by ensuring that dried whole milk is properly made and efficiently gaspacked. The significance of thermoduric organisms in milk By Dr W.A. […]
Bulletin of the IDF N° 20/1964 – The cooling of milk on the farm
By a Group of Experts This report gives the conclusions of experts based on a 3 year survey involving all member countries of the Federation. The detailed information received from these countries on local conditions is appended. Withdrawn because publication not available.
Bulletin of the IDF N° 26/1965 – The cleaning of cheese moulds
By Ing. H. Lolkema, Netherlands A survey is made of various methods for cleaning moulds as they used to be practised or as developed in recent years. The methods are assessed as to advantages and disadvantages.
Bulletin of the IDF N° 105/1978: Metal contaminants in milk and milk products
Pathways to and incidence in milk and milk products, toxicological aspects, analytical aspects, advice on how to minimize contamination, etc. are reviewed for arsenic, cadmium, copper, iron, lead, mercury and tin.
Bulletin of the IDF N° 100/1977: Safety and Reliability of Automated Dairy Plant
By a Group of Experts The object of the Group which produced this document was the development of guidelines to prevent accidents in automated plants and the subject was considered from the angles of design of equipment and plant, control of the operation and of the equipment. From the information compiled from member countries, 54 […]
Bulletin of the IDF N° 101/1977: Rising costs of milk collection
By L.w.J. Hurd The following aspects are examined: summary of milk transportation survey findings; organization of ex farm collection of milk; cost trends in milk collection in the 1970-75 period; measures to contain and/or reduce milk collection costs; suggested topics for further study.
Bulletin of the IDF N° 102/1977: Energy conservation in the dairy industry
The objective of the Group is to examine the efficiency with which the dairy industry uses energy and to attempt to raise this efficiency by applying procedures and technologies which are well known, well tried and to not require a high level of capital investment. The Group felt that significant savings can be made by […]