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International Dairy Champions Honoured By IDF

Date: September 26, 2019
Insights type: Press Releases
Subject Area: Governance
Categories: Press Releases

Four dairy champions have been honoured for their leadership, dedication and commitment to the sector at the International Dairy Federation (IDF) World Dairy Summit 2019. The winners of the prestigious awards were announced during the Gala dinner of the 2019 IDF World Dairy Summit held in Istanbul, in front of representatives from across the global dairy sector.

The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) and Dairy UK were joint winners of the first award of the evening, receiving the International Milk Promotion Group (IMP) Yves Boutonnat Trophy Award for their successful UK marketing campaign “The department of dairy-related scrumptious affairs”. The award is a means of showcasing the best generic advertising campaigns. Cary Frye was awarded with the IDF Prize of Excellence 2019 for her outstanding contribution to the work of the IDF for over two decades. Her work for the IDF has included chairmanship of the US National Committee and a role on the IDF Board of Directors. Cary also served as Chair and Deputy Chair of the Standing Committee on Food Labelling and Terminology from 2006 – 2014. She led several IDF delegations at the Codex Committee for Food Labelling and her efforts included developing labelling provisions for cheese and dairy standards. She will be stepping down from the IDF Board of Directors at this year’s IDF World Dairy Summit as she will be retiring from her role as Senior Vice President, Regulatory Affairs with the International Dairy Foods Association.

The winner of the IDF Leader Recognition Award 2019 this year is Dr Kieran Jordan, Teagasc, Ireland for his role as Chair of the Standing Committee on Microbiological Hygiene between 2016 and 2018. The award was created to increase the recognition of experts for their exemplary involvement and leadership in IDF Work. A long-time contributor to IDF, as chair, Kieran has worked tirelessly to keep the IDF Standing Committee focused and productive, as well as ensuring regular reporting and progress from the various Action Teams. Kieran has recently been elected as representative for Hygiene and Safety on the IDF Science and Programme Coordination Committee.

The IDF Award 2019 was awarded to Helen Dornom, Manager, Sustainability including Food Safety and Integrity, Dairy Australia. For over 40 years Helen has provided outstanding leadership and service to the dairy sector, both in Australia and internationally, across a broad area of food safety, residues, animal health and welfare, farm management, food standards and sustainability. Helen’s work and achievements have focused on supporting the prosperity of the dairy sector, particularly to enhance the reputation and integrity of dairy production and dairy products. Dr Judith Bryans, President of the IDF, said: “All of the evening’s winners are dairy champions who work tirelessly to promote our great sector all over the world. Whether it’s being creative, offering high-level strategic and technical advice, or helping the IDF to communicate more effectively with the wider dairy sector, each of these winners has played a key role in ensuring the interests of the industry remain centre stage. Their commitment to the global sector is resolute and is deeply appreciated.”

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