IDF Pillars
Working within the four IDF strategic pillars of Standards, Nutrition & Health, Sustainability & Safety & Quality, IDF’s experts cover key issues for the dairy sector
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The development of science-based globally harmonised standards, guidelines, codes of practice and related methodologies across all working areas, to continually improve regulatory environments for the dairy sector. IDF works to support worldwide trade and ensure that future demands for nutritious dairy products can be met efficiently. IDF works to promote a balanced regulatory framework to support a fair global playing field to facilitate market access and support the competitiveness of the dairy sector.

Nutrition & Health
IDF work on nutrition & health focuses on exploring the huge potential of the dairy sector has for tackling malnutrition in all its forms and creating food security. Work centres on promoting greater understanding of the nutritional value of dairy and the role it plays in healthy and sustainable diets and increasing understanding of the science which determines the impact of dairy products on nutrition and health.