World School Milk Day Webinar 2021

World School Milk Day, celebrated each year on the last Wednesday of September, falls this year on September 29. To celebrate the day, IDF has put together a virtual seminar to officially launch the IDF School Milk Knowledge Hub. School milk programmes are common in many countries around the world, with over 160 million children worldwide currently benefiting from milk in schools. Research has shown that these programmes are in place for good reason. School milk can help to address issues of malnutrition and encourage healthy eating habits.

7th IDF ParaTB Virtual Forum 2021

The purpose of the meeting is to share experiences in the control of paratuberculosis at the regional or national level on a country to country basis; and to use the learnings from the subsequent discussions to further refine the methods of control which are in current use. During the Forum each country representative will be given an opportunity to deliver a short presentation of no more than 10 minutes about their national program/activities to control paratuberculosis.


  The Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium, Brussels. On June 21st, the Belgian Association of Meat Science and Technology (BAMST) and the International Dairy Federation (IDF) brought together various experts to discuss “The role of ruminants in sustainable diets” in Brussels, Belgium. During this scientific outreach, high-level international speakers reported on the latest […]

POSTPONEMENT of ICAR/IDF Workshop: Animal-based indicators to promote welfare in dairy cows

Flyer: ICAR & IDF Workshop on animal welfare indicators Venue: WTC-Expo in Leeuwarden, 8914 AT Leeuwarden in Room New York 2. More info Registration: IDF Members willing to attend this workshop for free should contact [email protected] to check compliance with registration conditions. Submission of abstracts until 15 March: Content and aim of the workshop: Animal […]

The IDF Dairy Farmers’ Roundtable 2019

  The International Dairy Federation Standing Committee on Farm Management together with the IDF Office is organizing a Dairy Farmers’ Programme to take place as a pre – IDF World Dairy Summit event in Istanbul, Turkey. This event would like to attract dairy farmers that will be attending the IDF World Dairy Summit 2019. Saturday […]


IDF International Cheese Science and Technology Symposium,June 1-5, 2020 – Fairmount Château Frontenac, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada Considering the exceptional situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the organizers of the IDF International Cheese Science and Technology Symposium have decided to postpone the event to ensure health and security of participants, speakers and staff. For more […]

IDF World Dairy Summit 2020: CANCELLED due to the pandemic of Covid-19

  The IDF World Dairy Summit scheduled to be hosted in Cape Town, South Africa on September 28 to October 1st has been cancelled due to the pandemic of Covid-19. Registered participants can contact the organizers via the website A video message about IDF World Dairy Summit 2020 from Melt Loubser, President: South African National Committee […]

International School Meals Day

  International School Meals Day will be held on 11 March 2021. The theme for 2021 is ‘Eat for the health of it’, exploring affordable, nutritious foods and links between food and nutrition and children’s physical and mental health.   Stay tuned for details of IDF activities and events to mark this important day – you […]