Message from Chairman, NDDB and Member Secretary of IDF
On behalf of the Indian National Committee of the International Dairy Federation, it is my pleasure to invite all the great scientists, academicians, dairy professionals, dairy researchers, business delegates, dairy farmers, consumers and students from all over the world to attend the World’s Biggest Dairy Conference i.e. IDF World Dairy Summit 2022 from 12th September […]
World Food Safety Day, an interview with IDFs Science and Standards Programme Managers Aurelie Dubois, and Laurence Rycken
World Food Safety Day is celebrated annually on 7 June to “draw attention and mobilize action to prevent, detect and manage foodborne risks and improve human health”. At IDF, we have interviewed Aurelie Dubois and Laurence Rycken, Science and Standards Programme Managers, who engaged in an interesting dialogue about food safety and its impact on […]
A conversation with IDF Brazil’s young dairy influence, Isabele Torres – International Day for Women and Girls in Science
The 11th of February marks the achievements of women and girls in science across the globe, acknowledging their exceptional work and constantly breaking barriers. To recognise the value of this day, we spoke to Isabele Torres, who is currently doing her master’s degree in Dairy Science, and an active member of the Brazilian Committee, to […]
Denmark: a dairy country. Learn more about the host of the IDF Global Dairy Conference 2021
Author: Jørgen Hald Christensen, CEO at Danish Dairy Board
Fuel for life – the vital role of school feeding worldwide
IDF Director General Caroline Emond shares her views on the importance of global school meal programs, incorporating nutrient-dense foods like milk and dairy, and their important role in addressing hunger, malnutrition, access to school and education, and alleviation of poverty. On Thursday 11 March we celebrate the 9th International School Meals Day, with the theme […]
UN Food Systems Summit: Game changing solutions for dairy
The United Nations Food Systems Summit, which is being convened this September by UN Secretary-General António Guterres, marks a clear point in time when decisions will be taken relating to the future production and consumption of food. With the world nowhere close to delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the target date of […]
Maintaining momentum on methods of analysis and sampling
The CODEX recommended methods of analysis play an important role in checking compliance with provisions in Codex standards. Foundation texts developed by the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CCMAS), such as General Standard on Methods of Analysis and Sampling, CX234, provide an essential reference for food business operators and analysts. From the 23 […]
Recognition of ‘One Health’ is vital to ensure the healthy and sustainable future of our world
This week (18-24 November) is annual World Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2020, which aims to increase awareness of global antimicrobial resistance and to encourage best practices among the general public, health workers and policymakers to avoid the further emergence and spread of drug-resistant infections. One Health, the core of which is the recognition of the inherent […]
Dairy is essential to achieve the SDG 2030 agenda
International Dairy Federation DG Caroline Emond looks at how sustainable production, processing, and consumption of milk and dairy products benefit people and the planet and can help to achieve the SDGs.
How international superstars are inspiring younger generations to drink more milk
BTS are a very successful Korean boy band, known for their hit singles in the popular genre of Korean pop (K-POP). The group are internationally known for their hit singles across the world with over 30 million followers on social media. They are also number 1 on iTunes in over 91 countries. Why am […]