The history of the break-time milk day in Switzerland

School milk programmes around the world contribute to good health and nutrition for children in schools. As part of our school milk series, Daniela Carrera, Team Manager for School Programmes in Switzerland at Swissmilk, provides an overview of how school milk programmes are handled in Switzerland and the benefits they offer to both students and […]

Practical measures for sustainable dairy production

In a preview article from the upcoming IDF Dairy Sustainability Outlook edition 3, we look at a case study in Ireland to harness practical measures within dairy agroecosystems to address climate change and biodiversity. Ireland is one of the 197 countries that have signed up to the Paris Agreement, which aims to limit the rise […]

An action plan for a climate resilient dairy sector

In a preview article from the forthcoming IDF Dairy Sustainability Outlook edition 3, which will be released in June, we look at how the Dutch dairy sector is mobilizing to become further climate resilient. Following the Paris Agreement, the Dutch government approved a Climate Act in which the Netherlands’ climate goals are set. In the […]

Celebrating the role of dairy science

It is during a public health pandemic like the one we are facing today that we are reminded of the importance of science and the vital role of scientists in supporting decision-making.  Piercristiano Brazzale, Chair of the International Dairy Federation’s Science Programme Coordination Committee, thanks scientists around the world for their contributions to making our […]

Outcome of IDF/ISO analytical meetings

Meeting wrap-up – IDF/ISO virtual analytical meetings Due to the current pandemic of COVID-19, IDF and ISO have just wrapped up their first digital meetings. 13 calls were held with approximately 100 participants attending one or several of the meetings. All meetings were productive, and participants respected the virtual meeting rules. In terms of outcomes, […]

Relying on dairy in a world consumed by COVID-19

These are not normal times. The simple things we’ve been doing all our lives, we can’t do anymore. We can’t hug our friends, shake hands or enjoy each other’s company because of a silent enemy called COVID-19. This virus has changed how we live and think around the world. At times of crisis people turn […]

The evolution of school milk in Chile

As we approach the release date of the new IDF bulletin on worldwide school milk programmes, Consuelo Fuentes, Ingeniero Agrónomo at Consorcio Lechero in Chile, gives an overview of the history of school milk in the country, its importance to child health and how state programmes have evolved over the years. Without a doubt, the consumption of dairy […]

School Milk Programmes – vital for good health and learning

            School milk programmes around the world contribute to good health and nutrition for children in schools. As part of our school milk series, Birgit Irgens, Concept Manager for the School Milk Programme in Norway at TINE, provides an overview of how school milk programmes are handled in Norway and […]