IDF Dairy Leaders Panel 2021: “We must create the future of dairy now”

“We must reduce the dairy productions climate impact. At the same time, dairy farms must improve their storytelling abilities when it comes to communicating the milk’s good qualifications and all the initiatives that are taken to make the sector sustainable” Peder Tuborgh, CEO, Arla Jørgen Hald, CEO of, Danish Dairy Board, and Steen Nørgaard Madsen, Chair […]

IDF hosts webinar to celebrate World School Milk Day 2021

School milk programs are common in many countries around the world, with over 160 million children worldwide currently benefiting from milk in schools. School milk programs are recognized for their positive impact on the nutrition needs of school-aged children to support their growth and development. Research has shown that these programmes are in place for […]

New study shows importance of dairy in fracture prevention

A new study ‘Dietary Sources of Calcium and Protein Reduce Hip Fractures and Falls in Institutionalised Older Adults: a Cluster-Randomised Controlled Trial’ has been published in the British Medical Journal. Led by researchers at the University of Melbourne and Austin Health, the Fractures Trial investigated how the food served in aged care facilities impacted on […]

Dairy Champions awarded at the IDF Global Dairy Conference 2021

Three IDF dairy champions have been honoured for their leadership, dedication, and commitment to the sector at the IDF Global Dairy Conference. The winners of the prestigious awards were announced during the Gala dinner of the 2021 IDF Global Dairy Conference, which was held in Copenhagen, Denmark. Erica Hocking, a Senior Nutrition Scientist for Dairy […]

IDF launches World Dairy Situation Report 2021

The International Dairy Federation’s latest overview of the dairy sector, covering markets worldwide, global trends and preliminary COVID-19 impacts is released. On Wednesday 13 October 2021, the International Dairy Federation (IDF) launched the latest edition of its flagship publication on global dairy markets, the World Dairy Situation Report 2021 at the IDF Global Dairy Conference, […]

IDF welcomes Mexico to its membership

Copenhagen, October 12, 2021. At the IDF General Assembly, IDF admitted Mexico of as a new member of the IDF Community. Commenting on this announcement, Piercristiano Brazzale, President of the IDF said: “We’re very thrilled to welcome Mexico into the IDF membership. We look forward to working with them on the key issues facing the […]

Joint GDP/IDF Statement – UN Food Systems Summit

World leaders will be coming together on September 23rd for a landmark meeting on sustainable food systems. Read our latest joint statement, urging the Summit Secretariat and Heads of State taking part in the Food Systems Summit on the 23rd to recognize the role of dairy in the development of a more resilient, safe, healthy, […]

Science Officer

The International Dairy Federation is the leading source of scientific and technical expertise for all stakeholders of the dairy chain. Representing the worldwide dairy sector, IDF engages at international level, by providing the best global source of expertise and scientific knowledge in support of the development and promotion of quality milk and milk products, to offer consumers nutrition, health and well-being.