Strong collaboration between Codex Alimentarius and IDF to ensure food safety
Codex Secretary Tom Heilandt will stress the importance of the strong collaboration between Codex and the International Dairy Federation (IDF) at the IDF World Dairy Summit 2018 in Daejeon, South Korea, on 17 October 2018. He will address the special status of the IDF in the Codex standard-setting process and the shared goals of the […]
Our Future Depends on Ruminants
The media often reports how consumer choices can contribute to sustainable development, for instance by adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet. As a sustainability manager working for the International Dairy Federation (IDF), I came to realize that people are continually exposed to incorrect information that is repeated without being challenged, in particular about the impact […]
Smart farms powered by ICT to boost dairy output
The application of information and communication technology (ICT) has transformed dairy farms into smart farms, giving the dairy sector a boost. The Internet of Things (IoT), the use of data and robotics is enhancing efficiency and productivity in farm management. Global experts in smart farm technologies will share their expertise at the IDF World Dairy […]
Milking practices to enhance udder health and boost productivity
The global dairy sector’s efforts to further develop animal health and welfare practices have today been given a boost by the publication of a scientific review which aims to help reduce the over-milking of cattle and small ruminants. Over-milking occurs when the milking apparatus remains attached to the udder with little or no milk being […]
The Role of Dairy in Sustainable Diets: Environmental and socioeconomic impact of dairy
On 1-2 February 2018, worldwide experts will be debating the overall impact of dairy in Seville, Spain. Dacia Whitsett-Morrow, Director Strategy and Insight at U.S. Dairy Export Council, Arlington, VA, will focus on the “Benefits of dairy nutrition in global development” and will shed further light on the latest scientific advancements on the beneficial nutritional […]
The Role of Dairy in Sustainable Diets: Reducing the impact & adapting to climate change
Mitigation of environmental impact and adaptation to climate change will be discussed at the upcoming IDF Symposium on the Role of Dairy in Sustainable Diets, Seville, 1st and 2nd February 2018. Jørgen E. Olesen is professor in agriculture and climate change at Aarhus University, Department of Agroecology, where he leads the section on Climate and […]
The Role of Dairy in Sustainable Diets: mitigating the environmental impact and public perceptions of dairy
The upcoming IDF Symposium on “The role of dairy in sustainable diets” in Seville, on 1st and 2nd February 2018 will engage international experts in exploring all facets of the environmental and nutritional aspects of dairy. As a Livestock Policy Officer working for the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Dr Anne […]