IDF to present paper at Codex Alimentarius Commission CAC41 in Rome
IDF will present a paper at the Codex Alimentarius Commission CAC41 in Rome next month on ways to improve interactions between international organisations and Codex, and the development of complementary partnerships. IDF Director General Caroline Emond will undertake the presentation at the invitation of the Codex Secretariat at the next session of the Codex Alimentarius […]
Forging ahead in 2018
There is an old saying that time flies and it certainly feels that way. It’s been almost eight months since we were together as IDF family at the 2017 World Dairy Summit. Many things have happened at IDF over those months and I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight just a few of them to you. You will of course know by now that our new Director General, Caroline Emond, is in place. My thanks to all of you who have contacted her and made her feel welcome.
Italy is new signatory of Dairy Declaration of Rotterdam
Italy has become a new signatory of the Dairy Declaration of Rotterdam, which brings the total number of signatories to 24 to date. The IDF National Committee of Italy, Assolatte (Italian Dairy Association), Confcooperative (Confederazione Cooperative Italiane) and AOP Latte Italia (Association of Producer Organisations of Latte Italia) inked the Declaration on 1 June 2018 […]
Jurgen Jansen of IDF National Committee of The Netherlands new chair of ISO/TC 34/SC 5 on milk and milk products
The National Secretary of the IDF National Committee of The Netherlands, Jurgen Jansen, took on the helm as the new chair of the ISO/TC 34/SC 5 for milk and milk products in January this year, succeeding Harrie van den Bijgaart whose term ended last December. Mr Jansen’s appointment is for a period of six years […]
Milking practices to enhance udder health and boost productivity
The global dairy sector’s efforts to further develop animal health and welfare practices have today been given a boost by the publication of a scientific review which aims to help reduce the over-milking of cattle and small ruminants. Over-milking occurs when the milking apparatus remains attached to the udder with little or no milk being […]
Global dairy sector leads the herd on animal welfare
The Director-General of the International Dairy Federation (IDF), Caroline Emond, said yesterday that the dairy sector’s ongoing commitment to animal health and welfare was driven by a steadfast dedication to the continuous improvement of best practice across all levels of the dairy supply chain. Speaking at the OIE Global Animal Welfare Forum, Ms Emond said: […]
New Director-General says IDF is committed to driving forward science to underpin dairy’s compelling story
The newly-appointed Director General of the International Dairy Federation (IDF) said today the organisation is wholly committed to driving forward its scientific heritage and helping the dairy sector make a greater impact in a fast-moving media and political climate.\ Speaking on her first day in her new role, Caroline Emond said: “I am delighted to […]
The Role of Dairy in Sustainable Diets: Environmental and socioeconomic impact of dairy
On 1-2 February 2018, worldwide experts will be debating the overall impact of dairy in Seville, Spain. Dacia Whitsett-Morrow, Director Strategy and Insight at U.S. Dairy Export Council, Arlington, VA, will focus on the “Benefits of dairy nutrition in global development” and will shed further light on the latest scientific advancements on the beneficial nutritional […]
The Role of Dairy in Sustainable Diets: Integrated approach to capture Sustainability
Experts from all over the world will gather in Seville, Spain, from 1-2 February 2018 to discuss dairy’s role in sustainable nutrition. Some activists advocate against consumption of animal-source foods, arguing that abolishing these would be healthier for humans and for the planet. Is this really true? In Seville, Dr. Mary Beth Hall (USDA) will […]
The Role of Dairy in Sustainable Diets: Sustainable production of milk
Well-regarded experts will discuss public perception combined with environmental and socioeconomic impact of dairy at the IDF Symposium on the Role of Dairy in Sustainable Diets, 1st and 2nd February 2018. Consumers are showing an increasing interest in the origins of their food, and are looking for reassurance from food producers, processors and retailers that […]