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Launch of the IDF Animal Health Report 2024 Special Edition on Antimicrobial Resistance

Date: September 26, 2024
Insights type: News, Press Releases
Subject Area: Animal Health & welfare, Farm management
Categories: News, Press Releases

Global Dairy Sector Advances in Antimicrobial Stewardship and Animal Health

The International Dairy Federation (IDF) proudly announces the launch of the 2024 special edition of the IDF Animal Health Report, with a dedicated focus on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). A central part of IDF’s long-term strategy to address AMR includes its ongoing participation in the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meetings on AMR. As a recognized knowledge partner, IDF continues to bring its science-based expertise to the international stage, contributing to global efforts to combat AMR through a One Health approach that integrates animal, human, plant health and the environment.

Laurence Rycken, IDF Director General, underscored IDF’s commitment to this global initiative, stating:
“IDF is proud to actively contribute to the United Nations’ efforts to address antimicrobial resistance. By engaging with global leaders, we help drive action through a strategy utilizing the One Health principle, reducing the need for antibiotics in livestock farming and promoting prudent use in dairy animals. This progress demonstrates our sector’s dedication to safeguarding both the health and welfare of animals and the public safety while maintaining the highest standards of milk and dairy production.”

In addition to its involvement at the United Nations, the dairy sector has made remarkable progress in disease prevention, a cornerstone in reducing the reliance on antibacterials. However, the sector remains committed to continuous improvement, recognizing that there is always more that can be done to optimize animal health and welfare.

Jamie Jonker, Chair of the IDF Science Program Coordinating Committee, highlighted how these efforts are being realized globally, saying:
“This edition of the IDF Animal Health Report focuses on case studies, research and actions that dairy farmers and other relevant actors around the world are taking to address AMR within a One Health framework. The articles contain actionable information for the global dairy sector to accelerate progress on AMR control.”

IDF’s continued leadership in AMR discussions at the UN High-Level Meetings, together with the release of the updated guide, highlights its proactive role in addressing AMR globally. By fostering collaboration among all actors within the dairy sector represented by IDF, farmers, veterinarians, dairy processors, academics, and cooperating with the pharmaceutical industry, international partner organizations and regulatory authorities, IDF ensures that the global dairy sector adopts and refines best practices to meet the evolving challenges of the industry.

Together, we are building a future where dairy health and welfare thrive in harmony with responsible antimicrobial usage. The IDF Animal Health Report 2024 serves as a testament to the sector’s dedication to this cause and will undoubtedly be an essential resource for industry stakeholders worldwide.

For more information or to download the IDF Animal Health Report 2024, please visit


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