Warm welcome to delegates at the IDF World Dairy Summit 2018

International Dairy Federation President Dr Judith Bryans and Chair of the IDF World Dairy Summit 2018 Organizing Committee Mr Lee Chang Buhm extend a warm welcome to all delegates to this annual meeting which will take place from 15-19 October in Daejeon, Korea. The Summit, which bears the theme ‘Dairy for the Next Generation!’ will […]

Fermented Milk: The health benefits of fermented dairy

The development of probiotics and pharmabiotics to prevent and treat gastrointestinal cancers will be the focus of a talk by Professor Jihyun Kim of Yonsei University, South Korea. He will share his insights at a special session on Fermented Dairy: Health Benefits on 18 October during the IDF World Dairy Summit in Daejeon, South Korea, […]

6th Symposium on Science and Technology of Fermented Milk at the IDF World Dairy Summit in Daejeon, South Korea, from 15-19 October.

The increased interest in fermented foods due to their potential contribution to gastrointestinal microbiota modulation and the impact on human health is leading food scientists to pay greater attention to their role in diets. Promoting innovation in fermented dairy for human wellbeing will be the focus of the 6th Symposium on Science and Technology of Fermented […]

School milk programmes nourishing millions of children around the world

Every year, World School Milk Day is celebrated all over the world on the last Wednesday of September to raise awareness on the benefits and success of school milk programmes. In addition to providing milk and/or dairy products, school milk programmes include food education. It helps to foster a better understanding of dairy products, including where […]

Treatment of Bovine Mastitis Takes a New Turn

Animal Health scientist are making significant progress on mastitis management, which is responsible for up to 85% of the antimicrobials used in the dairy sector, according to the International Dairy Federation (IDF). The IDF’s annual Animal Health Report includes updates on latest research developments and has revealed that most IDF member countries reported a large […]

Enhancing sustainable dairy to promote economic growth and biodiversity

Participants at the IDF World Dairy Summit in Daejeon, South Korea, from 15-19 October 2018 will have the opportunity to listen to Michel Donat from Nestlé who will present the buyer’s perspective on sustainability in a conference on the environment on 17 October focused on Sustainable Dairy from an Economic Perspective. “Dairy customers want to […]

State of food security and nutrition in the world

Helping to free the world from hunger and malnutrition is a goal of the International Dairy Federation (IDF) through its work on sustainability to support food security, said the organization’s Director General Caroline Emond. Access to safe nutrition and healthy, balanced diets is vital for the growth of children, providing them with the nourishment needed […]

Strong collaboration between Codex Alimentarius and IDF to ensure food safety

Codex Secretary Tom Heilandt will stress the importance of the strong collaboration between Codex and the International Dairy Federation (IDF) at the IDF World Dairy Summit 2018 in Daejeon, South Korea, on 17 October 2018. He will address the special status of the IDF in the Codex standard-setting process and the shared goals of the […]

Paratuberculosis forum proceedings now available

Active research and regional control efforts to address the potential transmission of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (M. paratuberculosis) and proactive control measures at the farmer and processor levels to meet trade requirements were showcased at the IDF ParaTB Forum. The event, which took place on 4 June 2018, was held in conjunction with the International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis […]