IDF is committed to providing practical support to the dairy sector during this unprecedented time. In addition to our COVID-19 Knowledge Hub which is updated on a daily basis, for a limited period we will be offering a selection of our previously payable digital resources free of charge. The publications are listed below: Bulletin of the IDF […]

Relying on dairy in a world consumed by COVID-19

These are not normal times. The simple things we’ve been doing all our lives, we can’t do anymore. We can’t hug our friends, shake hands or enjoy each other’s company because of a silent enemy called COVID-19. This virus has changed how we live and think around the world. At times of crisis people turn […]

The evolution of school milk in Chile

As we approach the release date of the new IDF bulletin on worldwide school milk programmes, Consuelo Fuentes, Ingeniero Agrónomo at Consorcio Lechero in Chile, gives an overview of the history of school milk in the country, its importance to child health and how state programmes have evolved over the years. Without a doubt, the consumption of dairy […]