Big ‘Thank You’ to host of IDF World Dairy Summit 2018

This IDF World Dairy Summit has been a true platform for dialogue, knowledge-sharing and establishing mutually beneficial networks which will help shape the dairy sector. From the wonderful speech given by former Secretary General Ban Ki Moon at the opening of the Summit, to each and every conference and special session right up until the […]

Food structure and matrix of cheese produce different health effects

Cheeses vary widely, differing in terms of structure, and fat and protein content, which can result in different health effects, said Dr Emma Feeney of University College Dublin, Ireland. She was speaking on the health effects of dairy fat eaten in a cheese matrix at a conference on Nutrition and Health at the IDF World […]

Efforts to eradicate M.bovis will strengthen on-farm biosecurity systems

Public-private partnership to eradicate Mycoplasma bovis in New Zealand will strengthen on-farm biosecurity systems, said Dr Tim Mackle, CEO of DairyNZ, as he outlined the largest biosecurity response in the country. M. bovis, which spread to New Zealand for the very first time, was the topic of Dr Mackle’s presentation at the IDF World Dairy […]

Better animal health = better profitability, say experts at the World Dairy Summit 2018

Better animal health often gives better profitability, said Professor Henk Hogeveen of Wageningen University of The Netherlands. He pointed out that farmers often underestimate the cost of diseases and the fact that preventive costs are much lower than failure costs. Professor Hogeveen was speaking on Animal Health from an Economic Perspective at a conference at […]

Balancing risk and hazard in food safety regulations

Consumer studies have shown that the public’s ‘willingness-to-pay’ will decline with any perceived food safety risk when they become concerned by new discoveries when researchers find a new contaminant or a potential new toxin in food, said Dr Justin Bendall of the Fonterra Research and Development Centre, New Zealand. Speaking at a conference on Food […]

IDF is an essential technical advisor on milk and milk products: Codex Secretary

The International Dairy Federation (IDF) has a unique place in the history and procedures of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, serving as an essential technical advisor on all issues related to milk and milk products, said Codex Secretary Tom Heilandt. He noted the strong involvement of IDF in Codex conferences, attending 55 Codex sessions with 141 […]

ISO Secretary General emphasizes role of international standards in food safety

IDF has played a pivotal role in promoting ISO standards among its members worldwide and has made useful contributions to the formulation of international standards and guidelines for the dairy sector. The Secretary General of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Sergio Mujica, said this in a videotaped message to a Food Safety Conference at […]