Warm welcome to delegates at the IDF World Dairy Summit 2018

International Dairy Federation President Dr Judith Bryans and Chair of the IDF World Dairy Summit 2018 Organizing Committee Mr Lee Chang Buhm extend a warm welcome to all delegates to this annual meeting which will take place from 15-19 October in Daejeon, Korea. The Summit, which bears the theme ‘Dairy for the Next Generation!’ will […]

6th Symposium on Science and Technology of Fermented Milk at the IDF World Dairy Summit in Daejeon, South Korea, from 15-19 October.

The increased interest in fermented foods due to their potential contribution to gastrointestinal microbiota modulation and the impact on human health is leading food scientists to pay greater attention to their role in diets. Promoting innovation in fermented dairy for human wellbeing will be the focus of the 6th Symposium on Science and Technology of Fermented […]

Clampdown on milking a name to market vegan substitute

The US is joining the EU, Canada, Norway, Iceland and New Zealand in regulating the misuse of dairy terms. Consumers have the right to know when they are not buying real dairy products. A plant-based substance is no alternative to animal milk in terms of its composition, texture, taste and nutritional value. A liquid plant-based […]

South Korean Dairy Sector Can Benefit from Global Expertise at IDF World Dairy Summit

The South Korean dairy sector can benefit from global expertise and the exchange of ideas about technology, innovation and new developments at the IDF World Dairy Summit 2018 in Daejeon. The annual event is being hosted by South Korea for the first time, bringing together more than 1,500 delegates from around the world. “It’s an […]

Deepening Understanding of Food Microstructures and Dairy Science

Some 200 experts in food engineering, food science and food technology participated at the 3rd IDF Symposium on Microstructures of Dairy Products in Montreal, Québec, Canada, from 3-6 June 2018. It was the first time the IDF had coorganised the Symposium with the 3rd Food Structure and Functionality Forum and Elsevier, offering a platform for […]

Forging ahead in 2018

There is an old saying that time flies and it certainly feels that way. It’s been almost eight months since we were together as IDF family at the 2017 World Dairy Summit. Many things have happened at IDF over those months and I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight just a few of them to you. You will of course know by now that our new Director General, Caroline Emond, is in place. My thanks to all of you who have contacted her and made her feel welcome.

The Role of Dairy in Sustainable Diets: Sustainable production of milk

Well-regarded experts will discuss public perception combined with environmental and socioeconomic impact of dairy at the IDF Symposium on the Role of Dairy in Sustainable Diets, 1st and 2nd February 2018. Consumers are showing an increasing interest in the origins of their food, and are looking for reassurance from food producers, processors and retailers that […]

The Role of Dairy in Sustainable Diets: Reducing the impact & adapting to climate change

Mitigation of environmental impact and adaptation to climate change will be discussed at the upcoming IDF Symposium on the Role of Dairy in Sustainable Diets, Seville, 1st and 2nd February 2018. Jørgen E. Olesen is professor in agriculture and climate change at Aarhus University, Department of Agroecology, where he leads the section on Climate and […]