IDF publishes update on dairy terms guidance

The International Dairy Federation (IDF) has today (18 November 2020) published an update to its Bulletin on the Codex General Standard for the Use of Dairy Terms, also known as the GSUDT, providing the reader with the latest information on the nature, content and possible implications of the GSUDT in the context of national, regional […]

Outcome of IDF/ISO analytical meetings

Meeting wrap-up – IDF/ISO virtual analytical meetings Due to the current pandemic of COVID-19, IDF and ISO have just wrapped up their first digital meetings. 13 calls were held with approximately 100 participants attending one or several of the meetings. All meetings were productive, and participants respected the virtual meeting rules. In terms of outcomes, […]

Relying on dairy in a world consumed by COVID-19

These are not normal times. The simple things we’ve been doing all our lives, we can’t do anymore. We can’t hug our friends, shake hands or enjoy each other’s company because of a silent enemy called COVID-19. This virus has changed how we live and think around the world. At times of crisis people turn […]

Important outcomes from Codex meeting on nutrition and foods for special diets

On 24-29 November 2019, the 41st session of the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses was held in Dusseldorf, Germany. The meeting aimed to study specific nutritional problems and advise on general nutrition issues; to draft general provisions concerning the nutritional aspects of all foods; to develop standards and guidelines for […]