IDF launches special UN Food Systems Summit edition of successful Dairy Sustainability Outlook series
Brussels, 26 July 2021 – The International Dairy Federation (IDF) has today launched the 4th edition of its Dairy Sustainability Outlook series, which provides new case studies to support the dairy sector in delivering on its commitment to sustainable development, guided by the five action tracks of the UN Food Systems Summit.
Recognizing the importance of dairy is vital, says IDF President ahead of UN Food Systems Summit
President of the International Dairy Federation (IDF) Piercristiano Brazzale stresses the vital role of dairy in healthy and sustainable diets in advance of the UN Food Systems Pre-Summit, to be held in Italy between 26–28 July 2021.
COVID-19: Resources for the dairy sector
The global dairy sector is taking the impact of COVID-19 extremely seriously. Please find on this page a summary of global dairy sector responses to COVID-19 and practical support. If you have any examples you would like to contribute, please contact us Dairy sector responses to the COVID-19 crisis FAO publication, “Exposure of humans or […]
IDF Cheese Symposium goes virtual for the first time ever!
Every 4 years, The IDF Cheese Science and Technology Symposium is held and co-organised by FIL-IDF Canada and the Quebec STELA Dairy Research Centre of Université Laval. The 2021 completely virtual edition gathered international scientific experts to share the latest research findings and technology innovations. Throughout the week, the virtual formula offered an enhanced conference […]
School Milk Knowledge Hub shares info on importance of school milk worldwide
There is a long history of organizing school milk programs in every corner of the world, either as part of school meals programs or as stand-alone school milk programs. School feeding programs have been identified as an important social protection mechanism as they provide good nutrition and education to children, as well as are able […]
World Milk Day 2021 focuses on dairy sustainability
On World Milk Day 2021, the dairy sector shares the important steps being taken around the world to improve dairy sustainability and reduce dairy’s carbon footprint.
Nutrition symposium confirms important role of dairy in diets
IDF Symposium reviewing the latest science on the contribution of dairy in diets gathers several hundred health professionals from around the world.
New bulletin advocates revised approach to lactose in dairy
Responding to a lack of evidence-based information about the important role of lactose as part of a healthy diet, IDF releases Bulletin 509/2021: Lactose, an important nutrient: Advocating a revised policy approach for dairy and its intrinsic sugar. Milk, cheese, yogurt, and other cultured/fermented dairy products are composed of complex structures and are important sources […]
Registration open for IDF Nutrition Symposium
Registration is now open for the IDF International Symposium on nutrition and health, a fully virtual event which takes place 11th and 12th May 2021.
Scientific expertise on cheese at IDF Symposium
The virtual format of the IDF International Cheese Science and Technology Symposium 2021, held between the 7 to 11 June 2021 will offer an increased number of live and on-demand lectures by expert keynote speakers, Q&A thematic sessions, interactive e-poster workshops, and numerous networking opportunities with researchers, emerging scientists, cheese experts and industry representatives inside […]