Global partnerships critical for food safety in drive towards sustainability: IDF

Collective and concerted global efforts are critical in addressing food safety, an  International Dairy Federation (IDF) representative asserted at a meeting on Safe Food for Sustainable and Resilient Societies in New York on 12 July 2018. Mr Atze Schaap, who is also the Corporate Director of Dairy Development at the Royal FrieslandCampina of The Netherlands, […]

South Korean Dairy Sector Can Benefit from Global Expertise at IDF World Dairy Summit

The South Korean dairy sector can benefit from global expertise and the exchange of ideas about technology, innovation and new developments at the IDF World Dairy Summit 2018 in Daejeon. The annual event is being hosted by South Korea for the first time, bringing together more than 1,500 delegates from around the world. “It’s an […]

Deepening Understanding of Food Microstructures and Dairy Science

Some 200 experts in food engineering, food science and food technology participated at the 3rd IDF Symposium on Microstructures of Dairy Products in Montreal, Québec, Canada, from 3-6 June 2018. It was the first time the IDF had coorganised the Symposium with the 3rd Food Structure and Functionality Forum and Elsevier, offering a platform for […]

Antimicrobial Resistance a focus at IDF World Dairy Summit 2018

Renowned South Korean scientist, Professor Yong Ho Park of Seoul National University will share his insights on the work of the Codex Task Force on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) at the IDF World Dairy Summit to be held in Daejeon, South Korea, from 15-19 October. Prof Park will deliver his presentation at a day-long conference on […]

IDF to present paper at Codex Alimentarius Commission CAC41 in Rome

IDF will present a paper at the Codex Alimentarius Commission CAC41 in Rome next month on ways to improve interactions between international organisations and Codex, and the development of complementary partnerships. IDF Director General Caroline Emond will undertake the presentation at the invitation of the Codex Secretariat at the next session of the Codex Alimentarius […]

Italy is new signatory of Dairy Declaration of Rotterdam

Italy has become a new signatory of the Dairy Declaration of Rotterdam, which brings the total number of signatories to 24 to date. The IDF National Committee of Italy, Assolatte (Italian Dairy Association), Confcooperative (Confederazione Cooperative Italiane) and AOP Latte Italia (Association of Producer Organisations of Latte Italia) inked the Declaration on 1 June 2018 […]

IDF Annual Report 2016-2017

This report shows our results according to the work program set in conjunction with the Board and the Science Programme and Coordination Committee (SPCC). Focusing on our four priority areas, we identified key accomplishments in the areas of standards, nutrition, food safety and quality as well as sustainability, all underpinned by the essential work of […]

IDF Annual Report 2015-2016

This report shows our results according to the work program set in conjunction with the Board and the Science Programme and Coordination Committee (SPCC). Focusing on our four priority areas, we identified key accomplishments in the areas of standards, nutrition, food safety and quality as well as sustainability, all underpinned by the essential work of […]