Dairy sector case studies on water foot printing and carbon soil stock changes for GLEAM

In June 2020, the IDF organized two webinars aimed at providing scientists within the dairy sector an overview of the incorporation of the FAO Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance guidelines into the Global Livestock Environmental Assessment model (GLEAM). The aim of GLEAM is to quantify production and use of natural resources in the livestock sector […]
IDF DG participates in 2020 Global Animal Welfare Forum

Identifying collaboration opportunities to enhance the welfare of food producing animals and improve science-based welfare practices. The IDF supports animal welfare science-based standards with a holistic approach to sustainability. As part of IDF’s commitment to this area of work, IDF Director General Caroline Emond participated in the first online sessions of this […]
IDF launches 3rd Edition of Dairy Sustainability Outlook

IDF launches 3rd Edition of Dairy Sustainability Outlook
Joint IDF and GDP Statement in Response to IATP Report

Towards harmonisation of welfare indicators for dairy

Animal welfare is becoming increasingly important to farmers, consumers, and retailers. In this regard, the reliable assessment of welfare on dairy farms is a crucial step in herd management and farm assurance, but potentially also for cattle breeding. The implementation of suitable welfare indicators is spreading across the world, and it involves research institutes and […]
Practical measures for sustainable dairy production

In a preview article from the upcoming IDF Dairy Sustainability Outlook edition 3, we look at a case study in Ireland to harness practical measures within dairy agroecosystems to address climate change and biodiversity. Ireland is one of the 197 countries that have signed up to the Paris Agreement, which aims to limit the rise […]
Open Letter on the Value of Animal Agriculture

An action plan for a climate resilient dairy sector

In a preview article from the forthcoming IDF Dairy Sustainability Outlook edition 3, which will be released in June, we look at how the Dutch dairy sector is mobilizing to become further climate resilient. Following the Paris Agreement, the Dutch government approved a Climate Act in which the Netherlands’ climate goals are set. In the […]
Former IDF President Dr Jeremy Hill appointed Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit

IDF were delighted to receive the news this week that our former IDF President, Dr Jeremy Hill, Fonterra Chief Science and Technology Officer and Massey University Riddet Institute Adjunct Professor, has received the honour of being appointed a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to the dairy industry and scientific research […]
IDF ‘raises a virtual glass’ on World Milk Day 2020

Brussels, 1 June 2020 – The International Dairy Federation (IDF) fetes the 20th anniversary of World Milk Day with a online celebration for its global experts – and the achievements of one in particular.